A Message from the Supreme Knight
Knights to Christ strikes me as a noble effort of the Colorado State Council to bring those who use the meditations into a closer relationship with Jesus on a daily basis. May this program, through the intercession of our founder, the Servant of God, Fr. Michael J. McGivney, enjoy every success.
Carl A. Anderson
Supreme Knight
A Message from the Supreme Chaplain
Knights to Christ, rooted in the living Word of God, is an invaluable vademecum for any member desiring growth in the spiritual life. It is at once a practical and profound tool to deepen one’s faith in accordance with the founding principles of the Order. I would encourage every Knight and his loved ones to make use of this beautiful prayer manual.
Most Reverend William E. Lori
Supreme Chaplain
A Message from Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila
“Blessed is the man…,” the Psalm begins as it describes the rewards a man of beatitude receives. His “delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers” (Ps. 1:2-3).
Reading these verses, we might easily call to mind the Knights of the Columbus. This passage illuminates what makes their apostolate so effective. They are men who meditate on the Word of God day and night; they have planted themselves by the streams of grace which the Church offers in her Sacraments and Sacred Scripture. They understand that to yield fruit and have leaves that do not wither requires a deep root system in Jesus Christ and prayer.
The daily devotion book, Knights to Christ, is a wonderful Scripture-based resource for those seeking Christ. Before we can serve others we always need to go to the source of Living Water first (cf. Jn. 7:38). If we do not, our work will not bear the fruit Christ desires. The Knights of Columbus motto emphasizes this well: “in service to One, in service to all.”
I am grateful to my brother Knights for the new edition of this work and for their diligent effort in making it even more available through the multiple translations and eBook format. May it continue to be a source of spiritual nourishment for all who use it so that they prosper in all they do and bear abundant apostolic fruit.
Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L.
Archbishop of Denver
A Message from Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
People have rightly written and said a great deal over the last 40 years about the importance of the lay apostolate. No vocation in the Church has a monopoly on holiness, and many a priest struggling with doubt or fatigue has recovered his own strength by drawing on the witness of good lay men and women.
In my own priesthood, the steadiest, most fruitful lay witness I’ve encountered has always come from the Knights of Columbus. Week in and week out, the Knights are always there to serve the Church, and no bishop ever forgets how vital they are to his own ministry and to the needs of his people.
But even the most devoted workers in the vineyard need to rest in the Lord and refresh their faith. “Knights to Christ” is a wonderful source of spiritual nourishment and a great way for every Knight to anchor himself in the roots of his apostolate.
May God grant everyone who opens and reads this little book the joy of His presence and the zeal to serve the Gospel in a way that brings Jesus Christ to the whole world, and the whole world to Jesus Christ.
+Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
Colorado State Chaplain
Knights of Columbus 1999-2001
A Message from the Catholic Information Service Director
Charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism are norms of action for every Knight. Through their practice, a Knight becomes what Father McGivney envisioned: a man for others, a man of communion and service. Knights to Christ is a sure way for Knights to encounter the Living God in prayer and grow in the Order’s virtues. This book should make its way into the hands of every Knight.
Reverend Juan-Diego Brunetta, O.P.
Director of Catholic Information Service