Knights to Christ

Using Knights to Christ

The Knights to Christ book can be used in many ways:

  • In conjunction with a spiritual development program,
  • At the beginning and ending of your Knights of Columbus Council Meetings,
  • In your personal prayer life.

In addition to these, the Knights to Christ book has been used as the centerpiece of the Knights of Columbus State Retreat which takes place annually at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Sedalia, Colorado.

Faith Sharing Groups

Knights need time to come together and share about spiritual matters.

This is possible by establishing Faith- sharing groups within our councils. Here’s how:

  1. First and foremost, the Faith-sharing group must be endorsed and supported by the Council and its Grand Knight.
  2. Ideally, Groups should be no larger than 5 Knights, including the group’s leader. (5 Knights sharing on three Meditations takes about one hour).
  3. Establish a time and place the group meets. Ideally, it should meet every other week. Meetings can be held at the Council Chambers or Church facility. Also, meetings may be held at a Knight’s home on a rotating basis, to encourage a spirit of Fraternity.
  4. The group is established on a voluntary basis. The group leader is agreed on by the group. His job is to guide the meeting and stay on track for a one hour meeting. He also makes sure that everyone gets a chance to share and that no one person dominates the sharing. Three Meditations from “Knights to Christ” from the week before the faith-sharing group meets are selected. (For example, if the group meets on a Saturday, the Thursday, Friday and Saturday readings are used. The Group leader will send out an e mail meeting reminder including the daily readings to be considered. Instructions for reflection are found on page xviii of the K2C book. Each member of the group is expected to read the three selected Meditations including the Bible references and the questions at the end of the meditations. They should write down any thoughts, ideas or “God shots” they get while pondering the readings.
  5. The Leader begins the sharing session with the prayer in the K2C book on page xvii and ends each session with an Our Father and Hail Mary. Worthwhile suggestions and ideas concerning the Council should be given to the Grand Knight.
  6. It is important to stick to this format for at least a year and then evaluate results. In the meantime, any constructive ideas or experiences are welcomed. Testimonials are especially appreciated; Send your ideas and comments to: Bruce Tawson,

You can download this guide to Faith Sharing Groups as a PDF by following this link.

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